All secondary school students would have received their GCSE/BTEC results by now and I hope that they are all smiling after getting their results. They will be going to pastures new: college, sixth form or work. A new adventure awaits them away from the comforts of school life, at times it will be scary, unknown territory, but going with the flow, enables a stress free journey. I am also going into pastures new. Earlier this year I started creating African art using wood and African material. In a few weeks time, I will be showcasing some of my work in an event that will also have another 4 artists and 5 singers. I am not as nervous as I thought I would be, as I have previously shown my work to lots of people, although, this was at craft markets. This time, people will pay to see mine and others work. I don’t know where this new venture will take me, although, I am excited. Whatever new adventure you are going to encounter, at first it is always nerve wracking not knowing what you will be doing, where you will be going, however, looking back, it is never as bad as you think it will be.
