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Mum flu!!!

The other half had ‘man flu’ just before Christmas that put him out of action for over a week. So much so that he didn’t really celebrate with us, as he was sleeping off the seasonal lurgy. Only a few weeks later he had some of the same but not on such a ‘man flu’ scale. This time around, I made sure that he inhaled vapour rub over several nights (which seemed to do the trick) as well as making sure he took ibruprofen.

Now... when it came to my turn to get mum flu (having a heavy cold but still needing to do all the household chores and go to work) I was pretty much left to nurse myself. To be fair to the other half, he did offer, only after I complained that he wasn’t looking after me! I am not sure if I was wearing my strong woman cape that said ‘Don’t mind my sneezing and coughing, whilst I am cooking dinner’, but, I think, being stereotypical, that a lot of women take on the same jobs and added stress when they are ill. Well, the washing, cooking and cleaning won’t get done by themselves. I could have left them for the other half and little big man to do, but... they wouldn’t get done the way I like it. I don’t know if we are wired to keep the wheels turning, but one thing is for sure, we have to be careful not to burn out. So, tonight, I am telling my brain to ignore the chores and get an early night. Now, where is that takeaway menu!!!


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