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May the weather be kinder!

The second bank holiday in May is a good opportunity for people to relax, invite family and friends round for a bbq (if the weather holds out) and to de stress from work. On this day, I will be working – I suppose it is better to make some money than to spend it! The husband will be doing some DIY or maybe not and the little, big man will be watching television in between revising for his end of year exams. Having a day off to unwind and not think about work is so good for the body, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. My idea of a good bank holiday is not setting my alarm clock, walking around in my bed clothes, vetting anyone who knocks on my front door and screening my phone calls. Finger food or left over food would be in the fridge along with a nice bottle of wine. There would be music playing in the background and I would think of all the jobs that need doing but can wait until tomorrow. At the end of this day I would feel relaxed, rejuvenated and ready for my next working day. Whatever you decide to do enjoy, as the next Bank holiday is 95 days away. That one I definitely won’t be working.


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