With a lot of restrictions on our movements being lifted, seeing friends and family members is at the top of many people’s list of things to do, albeit, a limited number. Hugs may not be allowed however, elbow bumps are. Non essential shops and restaurants are seeing customers return.
It has been a very rocky road and things can only get better. Seeing family members and friends in person has been a long time coming. There are less face time conversations and more face to face conversations and hopefully, a little more laughter.
For many, however, the road has not been easy and may get worse before it gets better. I hope that you are able to get the support you need, financially, emotionally and spiritually.
The weather is getting better, the days longer and spirits are lifted with an end in sight. Hopefully, people will not lose sight of the fact that the pandemic may have eased in this country, however, the rest of the world has not.
Take care of yourself and each other. We will get there. I am looking forward to asking more people, in person, how they are doing?
