So, the school holidays are upon us. For some, the traffic will be a lot lighter, more seats on buses and trains. For others, it will be very busy on the high street with lots of children begging their parents for this, that and the other. I remember my school six weeks holiday: we used to go to our friends’ houses or play in the back garden and eat a lot more than we needed. Unfortunately, there will be lots of children who will not be eating as much at home as they do at school due to their parents not having the finances to pay for the extra food, as lots of children receive free meals. Food banks will be in greater need. The little, big man will be eating food as if it will go out of fashion and claim that he is a growing lad: I am very grateful that we have the means to buy food. Six or seven weeks school holidays are very expensive trying to keep the little, big ones occupied. Travelling abroad is double or triple the price in term time and holidays. I fully understand why schools break for that length of time and all teachers and school staff need a break, however, is it possible to keep the doors open for when the little, big man tells me for the hundredth time that he is bored, hungry (after just eating breakfast) and doesn’t want to go to bed before midnight? Whatever you decide to do, enjoy the rest/mayhem, as in six weeks time the school run begins all over again and I will be asking when the next school holiday is, to recover from this one.
