The lights are on in my high street, Christmas trees are being displayed in houses around my neighbourhood and presents have been bought, wrapped and hidden from young children. Which means only one thing – it is looking a lot like Christmas! For some people this is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. A few will use this run up to several days paid leave as an excuse to treat themselves, go out for works dos and get a little worse for wear. However, sadly for many, the run up to Christmas is a miserable time and a reminder of how lonely they are. Christmas is a time to spend with family members you haven’t seen for a while (due to work commitments, them living far away and not because you dislike them) – a chance to catch up and enjoy the meaning of the season. When, you are alone, seeing and hearing others talking about Christmas, the days and nights seem longer and depression sets in. So as much as I will be getting into the Christmas spirit, I will be sparing a thought for those who do not like this time of year.
