On Friday 21 June, there will be 16 hours and 38 minutes of daylight – and the sun will rise at 4.43am before setting at 9.21pm. What to do with all that daylight? Many people will go to Stonehenge where the solstice has been celebrated for thousands of years and associated with pagans, who call the day Litha. The pagan understanding of Litha is a fight between light and dark, and between the ruler from the winter to summer solstice – the Oak King – and the ruler from summer to winter – the Holly King. Traditionally, pagans reflect on the battle between light and dark within themselves at this time. For pagans, the ancient Stonehenge monument in Wiltshire has always been of great importance when celebrating solstice, as it is only on this day that the rising sun reaches the middle of the stones when shining on the central altar. (Taken from inews.co.uk) I will be working in the morning and relaxing in the afternoon, hopefully, the weather will be nice and I can sit in my garden and wonder at nature. Once that feeling wears off, I may take advantage of the day by tidying up the garden. Whatever you do on this day, I hope that you make good use of all that daylight.