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Happy Anniversary

It has been two years since I started creating art using wood, African material and mod podge. When I created my first map of Africa, I didn’t think that it would take off as well as it has. I have been very fortunate to have people like what I enjoy doing and also pay me for the privilege of having my art in their homes.

My dining table was an organised mess of material, glitter, sequins and wood. My headphones were in my ears with the music playing loud, so I wasn’t able to hear the family members moaning about wanting to use the table and there being no space for them to do their work.

When I am creating art, I am in a zone that starts with a blank canvas and ends up being a beautiful piece of work – my babies.

I don’t mind creating work and people wanting to have them, as there is only so much wall space we have in our home.

On the 5th June I will be at my first craft market for the year, I am looking forward to selling again. Here is to many more years of me creating and enjoying art.


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