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Busy Bee

During this period of lockdown, I have been keeping myself busy by doing the odd jobs that have been calling out to be done: repainting the bedroom and skirting boards. I have also been doing a lot of art work, especially in the evening as it gives me a sense of calm and peaceful, albeit I am listening to loud music through my headphones – it also gives me a time to reflect on the gratitude I feel for having the basics, such as food, heating, finances and a roof over my head.

Keeping busy, by not watching too much pandemic news, stops me from worrying about the effects the virus is having on millions of people: those who have died and those who are suffering from it. When a person is busy there's no time to dwell on problems or stress. There's also no room for negativity, therefore, it can make getting through the day a lot easier.

However you keep busy, I hope that you are looking after your mental and physical health and have found new hobbies that you can and want to continue after lockdown.


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