A few days ago, I was travelling home from a long journey. Luckily, I had something to eat and drink before starting the journey. Nine miles from home the speed limit went from 70 to 40 to zero miles per hour. The signs above said that there was oncoming traffic. What that meant, I didn’t know, as I saw no vehicles coming my way. After ten minutes or so, one, then two police cars went passed. Then the same number of ambulances. Not knowing what was going on, I turned up my music, and started singing along, to keep me awake. A few moments had passed and more police cars and ambulances went passed at full speed on the hard shoulder. The night sky was getting darker and lots of cars in front and behind me had turned off their engines. Initially, I thought that it was a ‘minor’ traffic accident, however, once I had been stationary for over 40 minutes and another police car went passed with lots of barriers, I had a feeling that the outcome of the accident wasn’t good. On my journey home, I said a prayer for all the people involved in the incident, for their families who were going to get a life changing telephone call and all the emergency services who were involved. There are several times that we are delayed by trains, buses or stuck in traffic and not knowing what has caused those delays. The feelings of anger, impatience and the rush to get where we want to get to, sometimes makes us forget that the hold up may have resulted in someone’s death or life changing event. It made me really think about how many times I have assumed something and they haven’t been what they seemed.
Things are not what they seem
Updated: Jan 28, 2022