Well, it is nearly time to say goodbye to 2017 and hello to 2018. What a year it has been. Lots of ups and downs, laughter, tears and tantrums.
On reflection I am happy that I have fulfilled one of my dreams and that is getting my poetry out into the big, wide world. As scary as it has been, I am so glad that I have done it, onwards and upwards.
I haven't done a resolutions list for a long time, as I used to write them, put them away and then forget about what I wanted to change. This coming year I plan to be more pro active in my poetry, network more, and have less written down to do lists (as I feel very incompetent when I don't tick them all off). I want to laugh more, frown less and generally be happy. This year has taught me that life is very short.
I wish you good health, happiness, laughter and wealth for the coming new year and pray that your hopes, wishes and dreams come true.
“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day.” Edith Lovejoy Pierce
Carpe Diem/annus
